I once drank with a drunken sailor
He told me to stay calm
Even with all the booze he served me
I had to sing along
Standing there with my bottle of daniels
And dancing all night long
Even though it doesn't matter
My head is killing me
I've never been this wasted
I'm full of agony
Hangover x 4
Even with shit all the shit that happened
I won't forget that night
Killing time by driking my wiskey
I was to drunk to fight
The only thing i remember
The girls they were so tight
Even though it doesn't matter
My head is killing me
I've never been this wasted
I'm full of agony
Hangover x 4
Stand back!
I once drank with a drunken sailor
He told me to stay calm
Even with all the booze he served me
I had to sing along
Standing there with my bottle of daniels
And dancing all night long
Even though it doesn't matter
My head is killing me
I've never been this wasted
I'm full of agony
Hangover x 4