Even if it's just a little, I want you to tell me your real feelings
I'll accept it with these hands
You're always putting on a strong front
I'm sure you're trying to hide something again
Yeah, that must be it
I grabbed your hand tightly
and start running, without anywhere in mind
Please just stay in my heart
Because I will always be watching over you
I'll alway, always embrace these thoughts
See, whenever, wherever, it sways in my chest
So we'er starting right here, right now
I'll grasp tightly the hands that i gripped
I started to run even without an address
Just stay in my heart,
Because I'll always be by your side watching over you
No matter what happens, I will never leave you
So don't stop, an don't be afraid
When you do turn around and look back at me
We will surely be smilling at each other