The story starts far back in time
When blind faith did perceive
The birth of Ram
The twisted truth from scriptures told
A lie upon a lie that built
The cornerstone
The lies!
The lies they feed us.
A king did build this city
From bricks and stones
A kingdom that was born
For a war not fought, unconquerable he rose.
Ignorance, Hate & Violence
The contempt we breed
These are the roads
To which blind faith leads
Why do we never question
The words a preacher speaks
Why do we never question
The eyes now uncovered
And the blind did see once more
Ignorance, Hate & Violence
The contempt we breed
These are the roads
To which blind faith leads
Upon the pedestal he stands
A voice so loud and deep
Hear his words and believe the lie
You weak pathetic being
Repent not for your sins
A slave to religion you are
Blinded by the many lies
You, yourself has been lost
They divide and they rule
You’re just a pawn in the game
And when the castle comes crumbling down
Only they remain.