"..so lang’ er auf der Erde lebt, so lange
sey dir’s nicht verboten.
es irrt der Mensch so lang er strebt."
(Prolog im Himmel, "Faust. Eine Tragödie" J.W. von Goethe)
"3rd – Better Late..",1979
"..people as a man to you. I cannot speak
my glory is one of wing and not of feet
I am a Falcon, a hunter and a liege
I bring you a messege from the animals to the beasts"
"you are the children you are innocent,
and the deadly, too. In the things you do"
"..listen to the dying cry of the amber wolf
a shadow of the death of man as well
this choke-damp air Is upon us
all other spesies grieve
while man the thinker thinks of games
that turn this Earth to hell"
"you are the parvenu. It is a part of you
so why defend it with your powers?
soon all these things you see all of life`s mysteres
will be gone by you perhaps this hour"
Spectator I:
"..maybe he speaks of a fantasy"
Spectator II:
"..more likely some machine in his chest
Is playing a tape from the data bank
an amusement designed for our heads"
"fools! fools you are, all of you fools.
fools you are"
"..there`s a cold grey sky in the morning
white mist on mountains glazed
sun slanting shafts through evergreen`s cones
where dew in colous dance
peace sleeps here in warmed grasses.
peace belong where love`s the way"
..In forest`s retreat where soft waters beat
and oceans caress, gentle seas
the stones are kept in waiting perhaps
for the children to outgrow their play