My mistress of doom
Hole in a cycle of flame, among the writhing ghouls.
You are standing so calm and look at me through the eyes of the gods.
Exposing the sins, washing in blood and calling the damned
And your wrath is so pure, your might is so stately
You are my wizard of doom
Gloom among this fucking light
is so tender and pure.
It will swallow you all, the day, the night. in the depth of a Hades.
Impregnated with hate
you are so gorgeous and sheen
And I waited so long when you appear and will take me away
Come from the darkness
And ruin my pain
Conquer the infidels
And blow them away
The stunning growl
in my head
Howl and growl
in my head
your servants of madness
thy wolves from the hell
will give me the knowledge
of sacrament spells
your stunning growl
in my head
howl and growl
in my head
your glow in a middle of sky
will give me the chance
find the way in the dark through maze of pain to the golden throne
with the embrace of dark i will follow your ghost
and i'll meet you in dusk in shroud, alone you're my mistress of red
in the sweet silence of this night
under the shade of the trees you will take me