This is a country built upon the system
of white supremacy
where the subjugation of people of color
is justified "because it helps the economy".
This exploitation has been deemed "necessary"
exposing inherent racism in American ideology.
"Progress" made doesn't benefit everybody
only the privileged, not the marginalized communities.
Our civilzation requires many to sacrifice
against their own will nothing in it for them.
How can you justify, defend
a country that weiws people
as merely means to an end?
Native American reservations
used as nuclear testing sites.
Irreversible damage to their land, their health, their lives.
Clothes sold in the US made by womyn in Mexico
in factores where human rights are negligible.
Just like when African slaves were called less-than-humyn
so whites wouldn't feel guilty about abusing them.
America still uses the mentality that it's ok
to oppress nations and people of color for its own gain.
To maintain privilege, power, and wealth
it depends on keeping others down.
The government doesn't care about you.
To stay ahead in this world, there's nothing it won't do.