Из того, что было услышано, следующий текст:
Stone troopers dressed in black
Marching forward to attack
The enemy ... them...
For so long so we are thrilled
....they took from us
Take the ...that once were ours
.............rotten flowers
For the blood red banner we will rise
the enemy will fall no matter how he tries
No fear white brothers it's for our future and blood red banner
Forgive soldiers of white skin
Let the final fight begin
The bridge to wall its our that now
Just the question when and question how
there is no chance if we don't risk
Our live our right our property
Sacrifice will excuse us
Otherwise we never will be free
now to complete our task
We'll smash the wall between the people
We know the face behind the mask
thats about it's core and all evil
Just stand the enemy right now
come on brothers make a stand
there will be freedom for our home
....let and