The DA is dressed to the nines, In the mirror he practises all his lines, To his closing arguments 12 hearts beat in favor, I’m guessing that he read the morning paper, The headline reads «The Man Hangs», But the jury doesn’t matter.
Everyone’s looking for relief, United States vs. Disbelief, And mothers cast tears on both sides of the aisle, Clear your throat and face the world, The verdict falls like bachelors for bad luck girls, Only breathing with the aid of denial.
Case open, Case shut, But you could pay to close it like a casket, Baby boy can’t lift his headache head, Isn’t it tragic.
He glances at his peers sitting 7 to 12 stacked on 1 to 6, The gallery is hushed, Boys in three pieces dream of grandstanding bravado, The city sleeps in a cell notwithstanding what we all know, Hang on a rope or bated breath, Whichever you prefer.
Everyone’s looking for relief, A bidding war for an old flame’s grief, The cause, the kid, the charm, and the curse, Not a word that could make you comprehend, Too well dressed for the witness stand, The press prays for whichever headline’s worse.
Case open, Case shut, But you could pay to close it like a casket, Baby boy can’t lift his headache head, Isn’t it tragic.
Fresh pressed suit and tie, Unimpressed birds sing and die, Can talk my way out of anything, The foreman reads the verdict, «In the above entitled actions we find the defendant»...
Case open, Case shut, But you could pay to close it like a casket, Baby boy can’t lift his headache head, Isn’t it tragic. [Repeat]
Окружной прокурор сегодня такой нарядный, Готовит свою речь перед зеркалом. Двенадцать сердец стучат в пользу его заключительных аргументов. Думаю, он прочел утреннюю газету, Заголовок гласит «Мужчина повесился», Но для присяжных это не важно.
Все ждут помилования: США против Недоверия. Матери от обеих сторон льют слезы в проход. Прочисти горло и предстань перед миром, Приговор обрушится, как холостяк на неудачниц, Еще живых только благодаря отрицанию.
Дело открывается, Дело закрывается. За дополнительную плату можно заколотить его в гроб. Парню никак не поднять больной головы - Разве же это не трагично?
Он глядит на своих присяжных с 7 по 12, заслоняющих 1-6, Зал стих, Мальчики предвкушают браваду в трех частях. Город спит в клетке несмотря на то, что всем нам известно. Повеситься или задохнуться – Кому что ближе...
Все ждут помилования, Делают ставки, что это война из-за прошлых обид. Причина, ребенок, очарование и проклятие – Слова, которые вам не постичь. Свидетель слишком хорошо одет для выступления, Пресса молится о заголовке похуже.
Дело открывается, Дело закрывается. За дополнительную плату можно заколотить его в гроб. Парню никак не поднять больной головы - Разве же это не трагично?
Свежевыглаженный костюм с галстуком, Молодняк отпел и умирает. Я из чего угодно сделаю свою версию. Старшина присяжных оглашает приговор: «По вышеуказанным пунктам признаем подсудимого»...
Дело открывается, Дело закрывается. За дополнительную плату можно заколотить его в гроб. Парню никак не поднять больной головы - Разве же это не трагично? [Повтор] The DA is dressed to the nines, In the mirror he practises all his lines, To his closing arguments 12 hearts beat in favor, I'm guessing that he read the morning paper, The headline reads «The Man Hangs», But the jury does not matter.
Everyone's looking for relief, United States vs. Disbelief, And mothers cast tears on both sides of the aisle, Clear your throat and face the world, The verdict falls like bachelors for bad luck girls, Only breathing with the aid of denial.
Case open, Case shut, But you could pay to close it like a casket, Baby boy can not lift his headache head, Is not it tragic.
He glances at his peers sitting 7 to 12 stacked on 1 to 6 , The gallery is hushed, Boys in three pieces dream of grandstanding bravado, The city sleeps in a cell notwithstanding what we all know, Hang on a rope or bated breath, Whichever you prefer.
Everyone's looking for relief, A bidding war for an old flame's grief, The cause, the kid, the charm, and the curse, Not a word that could make you comprehend, Too well dressed for the witness stand, The press prays for whichever headline's worse.
Case open, Case shut, But you could pay to close it like a casket, Baby boy can not lift his headache head, Is not it tragic.
Fresh pressed suit and tie, Unimpressed birds sing and die, Can talk my way out of anything, The foreman reads the verdict, «In the above entitled actions we find the defendant» ...
Case open, Case shut, But you could pay to close it like a casket, Baby boy can not lift his headache head, Is not it tragic. [Repeat]
District Attorney today so smart , Prepares his speech before a mirror. Twelve hearts pounding in favor of his closing arguments . I think he read the morning paper , The headline reads "A man hanged himself " But the jury is not important.
Everyone is waiting for a pardon : US vs. mistrust. Mother from both sides of the aisle shed tears . Cleared his throat and present to the world , The verdict will fall as a bachelor on the loser , Still alive only because of denial.
The case opens The case is closed . For an additional fee, you can stab him in the coffin . The guy does not pick up a sick head - Is this not a tragedy ?
He looks at his jury from 7 to 12 , overshadow 1-6 Hall of verse , Boys anticipate bravado in three parts. The city sleeps in a cage in spite of the fact that we all know . Hang up or suffocate - Who is closer ...
Everyone is waiting for a pardon , Are betting that this war because of past grievances. Cause , baby, charm and a curse - The words that you do not comprehend. Witness too well dressed for performances , Press prays header worse.
The case opens The case is closed . For an additional fee, you can stab him in the coffin . The guy does not pick up a sick head - Is this not a tragedy ?
Freshly ironed suit and tie , Fledglings read the burial service and dies. I will do anything in his version . Jury foreman read out the verdict: "According to the above items found the defendants ' ...
The case opens The case is closed . For an additional fee, you can stab him in the coffin . The guy does not pick up a sick head - Is this not a tragedy ? [Repeat] Смотрите также: | |