Unspoken You Stand
Hidden in Depths of Mind
Shown in Reality
Manifested in Yearning
Forbidden Fruit
Acquired from Within
Broken Earth
Made from Flesh and Bone
You are Seen
Not as Carnality
As Unrequited
Fallen to Deaths Hand
Sirens Call to Weak
Crash my Ship upon Your Shore
Disaster of Mankind:
To Live a Life without Regrets
False Wisdom Spoken
Through Violent Lips
Sputtered through Blood
Lifeless Reassurance Flows
Reminded of All that was Once Good
All But
Dead Feelings Risen to Anger
Falling through Decay
Tormented in a Sea of Consciousness
Aware of the Ignorance
This is Not Who I am
This is Not Who We Are
Time is Failing
Falling Through
Head to the Home
A Safe-Haven may still Live