Love it when you slither down
My neck you numb me and you take me back
When it didn't hurt
Keep my bottle full
Mordant liquor burning yet so wet
I'd let you flow inside till death
Mesmerize me
Clear yet hazy
No waters can drown me
No needles can sew my lips
No fume can cloud me
No being can silence my voice
You can't deny our self
You will never erase me
I am, have always been
And shall always be you
Blindfolded we enthuse in addiction
Lured by deceiving gifts
Into a clouded realm
Of illusionary pleasures
For every moment of joy
A thorn pierces my skin
For every burst of laughter
A chain smothers my neck
Break my heart apart
Tear me into a thousand pieces
Make me your slave
All that it takes to be with you
Rape my soul
Shatter my love again and again
Push me towards insanity
All that it takes to be near you
Bind me up in chains
Yet don't leave me to rot
But come back and spit on me
All that it takes to stay alive
Now burn, my desire
And scorch all my limbs
Asphyxiate me in smoke
Make me yours
Love has always been a lie
You can go ahead and try
But in the end it's all the same
It's just another madman's game
You can't deny our self
You will never erase me
I am, have always been
And shall always be you
Mesmerized we long forever
For the long gone warmth
So we happily throw ourselves
In the arms of whores once more
In these times of calvary
I find reliance behind the distance
That is only a footstep away
From our cursed reunion...
This binding pestilence
Is now my only reliance
All roads seem to lead here
My strength lies writhing in blood
With all the weight of the past
And these dreadful storms upon me
It's the only gleam of light
Inside this empty hole
You may pierce your flesh
But that won't take me out
I am the purging fire
You can't extinguish with blood
You can't deny our self
You will never erase me
I am have always been
And shall always be you
This pale world holds nothing more
Than deceiving icons
Hypnotic and frail it shall remain
Forever a fool's conquest
In absolute grace I swirl
As this epitome of madness seems to persist
Deluded, I wander towards redemption
Only to get lost in malicious tales