Demon Statues
Princes of hatred
Each their own
Pallet of suffering
Demonic pleasures
At command
Mortal pawns
Sick laughing
As they die
Plagues of disasters and pestilence
The most desired treason
Among their loyal peons
To crown a new champion
Who’s in search for power
Only to be sacrificed by an other
Compelled in quests of blood
Casted in stone
Resemble beauty with lust
Illusive bodies
Forthcoming as a god
Plagues of disasters and pestilence
The most desired treason
Among their loyal peons
To crown a new champion
Believe madness and you shall fall
Compelled in quests of blood
Casted in stone
Resemble beauty with lust
Illusive bodies
Forthcoming as a god
Princes of hatred
Each their own
Pallet of suffering
Demonic pleasures
At command