Please, do not be alarmed
Remain calm
Do not attempt to leave the dance floor
The DJ booth is conducting a troubleshoot test of the entire system
Somehow while the party was in progress
An unidentified frequency has been existing in the system for some time
And while many of you have been made too brainwashed to comprehend
This frequency is, and has become a threat to our society as we know it
This frequency has been used by a secret society
In conjunction with Lucifer
To lure and prey on innocent party-goers
With hypnotism, syncroprism, tricknology, scandal, lies, and pornography
While the party is still in progress we will keep you updated on our current status
We repeat, this only a test
This is only a test
This station
In conjunction with other air-wave announcements
Will conduct this exact test
Without prejudice
Under the juricepurdence
Of the soul
The mind
The body
The positive
The negative
The ground
The proton
The neutron
The electron
The Yin
the Yang
The young
The sun
The moon
The star
This station
In conjunction with other air-wave announcements
Will conduct this exact test
Without prejudice
Under the juricepurdence
Of the soul
The mind
The body
The positive
The negative
The ground
The proton
The neutron
The electron
The Yin
the Yang
The young
The sun
The moon
The star
The man
The woman
The child
The plaintiff
The defendant
The judgement
The Father
The son
The holy spirit
The past
The present
The future