あ~嫌になるな も~きのうの雪
ふ~今朝も雪かきだよ バイト遅刻だ
朝日を浴びて 雪が解ける日
まだまだ春は遠い 待ち遠しいな
寒い朝と 寒い財布が
そうだ 今夜彼とタラ鍋食べよう
今日も 午後は雪になるみたいだけど
やっぱり冬は 雪景色
あ~春が来たら そ~バイト辞めて
どこか南の島に 旅行したいな
雪がふわふわ 舞い降りてきた
あ~今夜大雪だね また雪かき
長い冬は 冬眠でもして
春が来るまで 寝ていたいな
そうだ 次の休みスノボーでもしよう
街は すっぽり雪に覆われてるけど
やっぱり冬は 雪景色
そうだ 今夜彼とタラ鍋食べよう
今日も 午後は雪になるみたいだけど
やっぱり冬は 雪景色
Oh, I don't want to do it.
Fu ~ I'm shoveling this morning too!
Take the morning sun and let the snow melt
Spring is still far away.
A cold morning and a cold wallet
I can answer a little bit
Yes, let's eat cod hot pot with him tonight
A pot is good for a cold night
It's like snowing in the afternoon today
After all it is snow scene in winter
Ah, spring is coming
I want to travel somewhere to the southern island
The snow has come down
Oh, it's heavy snow tonight.
Long winters, even hibernation
I want to sleep until spring comes
Yes, let's do it for the next snowboard
I'm a little sick
The town is covered in snow
After all it is snow scene in winter
Yes, let's eat cod hot pot with him tonight
A pot is good for a cold night
It's like snowing in the afternoon today
After all it is snow scene in winter