our birth, the 1st door is open a crying baby
in the hand of a nurse a clean room
the smile of a mother our first impressions
blur we pass to the next door
our childhood, the 2nd gate fear
of ghosts playing with toys going to school
but mostly too late growing up
without any choice - when we close our eyes
we fall so deep we're flying through the tunnel
of the twilight sleep we pass this tunnel
night by night at the end of the darkness
we will meet our twilight - to be a tennager
the 3rd phase discovering bad things
like sex and drugs driving too fast
to be vain enlightenment about illnesses
like aids we pass to the next door... adult
the 4th stage is reached to work hard is the highest
priority many things from the past seem
weird lose the childish belief in eternity - when we
close our eyes we fall so deep we flying through the tunnel
of the twilight sleep we pass this tunel night by night
at the end of the darkness we will meet our
twilight - to be old is the final stage what remains are
memories more and more suddenly the belief
in resurrection there doesn't exist a next door...