The Red Coats, the Blue Coats
The Blood Reds and the Cut-Throats
Took the field, in the snow
To settle scores from long ago
The end begins at the start
With Raven Hair and Snowy White
Two families’ favourite sons
Perfect, smile, now young men they’ve become
The end begins at the start
With Raven Hair, comes a Raven Heart
Ice will break before it bends
To all they seemed the best of friends
Jealousy like shadow grew
In Raven’s coat of Midnight Blue
As closest friend now closest foe
Paraded a garment white as snow
The best laid plans are played at night
Raven Hair strode to Snowy White
Whose back was turned, and from his coat
He took his knife and he cut his throat
People gathered where he fell
And watched his White coat turn to Red
His father rose as he died on the path
Of melting snow from steaming blood He said,
“So this day you will always remember
We’ll meet here every bleak December
We’ll bring our blades and wear Blood Red coats And take you down, you who are the Cut-Throats”
The Red Coats, the Blue Coats
The Blood Reds and the Cut-Throats
Took the field, in the snow
To settle scores from long ago