Ani yotze shuv el haderech hamushetet leraglay
El yamim veleylot el masa chayay
Ani omer shalom lechol echad
Eretz nirdemet velev nifrad
Min habayit bo gadalti nishmati od mabita
Chalonot nifkachim el emet pshuta
Ani holech ita lechol midbar
Eretz choreget o derech bar
Aval kemey hanachal hasoer
Tamid ani chozer
Lean shegaagua tov yikach
Lesham ani shayach
Veim mishehu babayit mistakel alay achshav
Keadam leadam lo el or kochav
Ani omer toda bekol nir’ad
Eretz nifredet velev echad
Aval kemey hanachal hasoer
Tamid ani chozer
Lean shegaagua tov yikach
Lesham ani shayach
Chozer el hashvilim el harchovot el hayadayim hamchakot
El hazrichot el hashkiot vehashanim hachi yafot
El sheyikre el sheavar el ma shelo dome lemar
Kemey hanachal hasoer
Tamid ani chozer
Lean shegaagua tov yikach
Lesham ani shayach
Lesham ani shayach
My Life's Journey
I step out again unto the road lying at my feet
Unto days and nights, unto my life’s journey
I say goodbye to everyone
The land falls asleep and the heart parts
From the home I grew up in, my soul still looks on
Windows open to a simple truth
I walk with it to every desert
Foreign land or wild road
But like the waters of a stormy river
I always return
To where a good longing takes me
There I belong
And if someone at home looks at me now
Person to person, not to starlight
I thank you in a quivering voice
Parted land and one heart
But like the waters of a stormy river
I always return
To where a good longing takes me
There I belong
I return to the footpaths, the streets, the awaiting hands
To sunrises, sunsets, and to the best years
To what will come, to what has passed, to that which is not bitter
Like the waters of a stormy river
I always return
To where a good longing takes me
There I belong
There I belong