Unknown artist
I lay on the couch and played games
And my dad decided to sign me up for sports
I came to the sport I liked
I went to him and enjoyed
Walked a month, walked a year
Everything was doing well
But at one moment I decided to play games and eating on the couch
And I forgot about sports
Parents upset, i putting weight on the couch
My dad was upset and 6 years passed, during which time I managed to return to the sport and i left it again
Sorry father sorry
Sorry friends sorry
Sorry sorry sorry
I was stupid and didn't understand that I had gone the wrong way
Peoples told me that it's a stupid desicion
But I'm back in the sport and now I'm glad again
Everything i doing well
Friends and dad are happy
Remember, the most important it's desire, everything else will come by itself
I realized that this quote is the key to success everywhere.
Have a nice day, that's all