Shadia Mansour:
Intro: Isam Bachiri of Outlandish
I know you will never love again
I know it will never be the same
I see you want to be alone
But that won't change a thing
Chorus Sphinx:
When times get hard don't let it (get yah)
Down it's gonna get better (I'm with yah)
We in the struggle together (sister)
You're my (sister)
This is for my (sister)
He ripped her scarf off and called her ugly
She cried out don't you touch me
He said you Arab monkey go back to your terror country
He slapped her and started cussing
He laughed but it wasn't funny
Cause Dina was scared for nothing
It's disgusting
That at this tender age.........(YOU)
She has to feel this pain.......(ARE)
Don't got no self esteem........(A)
Don't know that she's a queen...(QUEEN)
But you are the star to the crescent
The heart and the essence of what we are
Because you harvest the blessings
Of every GOD given message... Hence
Below your mothers feet are the keys to the heavens
-الوردة اللى كانت بصا للشمس دلوقتى مالت
-و انا جيت اسقيهالك ماتحكليش انا عارف مالك
-لما حياتك اتشالت على ظهر حملك ومن حمل شال و تعب
-فتهتى لما لاقيتى طرق والرئيسى بعد
-فغصبك تخسرى حريتك كابنت من العرب
-اصل من خرج من داره يتقل مقداره ممكن هو ده السبب
-منتى بعيده عن تقاليدك و الغريب شادد ايدك
-ايدالك فكرة غلط عن جيلك لما عزتى تسندى حيلك
-اوامر الاهل مش متاقلمة مع الى بشوفو عينك
-فرحبو بيكى فبيت مش بيتك
-مش هنقول الذنب على مين هقولك حاجه بينى و بينك
-طول حياتك حسابك محادش هيدفعو غيرك
-حاولت ارسمك بق&#