Vprašajte mornarje,
ti vedo za njo,
oni vejo, kje je,
kje do nje je pot.
Vprašajte mornarje,
zakaj živi tam sama.
in še drhti, ko morje
v temo se ovija.
Ta ženska iz soli
boza valove,
obraz poln žalosti,
ljubezni sled njegove.
Ta ženska iz soli,
brez njega vene
otrok v duši,
a obličje žene.
Morje zdaj poljublja jo
kot usta so njegova
in namesto močnih rok
objema jo zdaj tema.
Ask the sailors,
ask for her,
they know where she is,
they know the way.
Ask the sailors,
why does she live alone
and is still afraid
when darkness fills the sky.
That woman made of salt
touches the waves
with pain on her face,
memory of his love.
That woman made of salt
dies without him;
soul of a child, and
and face of a woman.