(*) Бодхисаттва - просветленное существо, принявшее обет помогать всем без исключения разумным существам и - в итоге - привести их к просветлению.
Текст и мелодия - канонические БГ - голос Joe Bonadio - Taos drum kit, gong, shekere Harvey Jones - synthesizer Rocky Bryant - snare, tom. cymbal, hi-hat Allison Cornell - vocals, viola Mindy Jostyn - vocals Erik Lawrence - alto flute Catherine Russel - vocals
The mantra of Chenrezig Bodhisattva of compassion
( * ) Bodhisattva - enlightened being who has taken a vow to help all sentient beings without exception and - eventually - lead them to enlightenment .
Text and melody - the canonical BG - voice Joe Bonadio - Taos drum kit, gong, shekere Harvey Jones - synthesizer Rocky Bryant - snare, tom. cymbal, hi-hat Allison Cornell - vocals, viola Mindy Jostyn - vocals Erik Lawrence - alto flute Catherine Russel - vocals