Ты красивая и милая до бесконечности.
От самых волосков на голове и до конечностей.
В тебе по сути есть всего не много.
Много доброты, ненависти, много доверчивости.
Много наивности и много ревности.
Много милости и много бессердечности.
Много улыбки и много очень слез.
Много мыслей и много очень много слов.
Много правды и много лжи.
Много идеальности и много ненужных черты характера.
Много пошлости и много очарования.
Много тайности и так много открытости.
Ты красивая и милая до бесконечности.
От самых волосков на голове и до конечностей.
И я по сути хочу глубже вникнуть.
Ты моя идеальная?
Или это просто мой бред...
You are beautiful and sweet to infinity.
From the very hairs on the head to the limbs.
In fact, there is not much in you.
A lot of kindness, hatred, a lot of credulity.
A lot of naivety and a lot of jealousy.
Much mercy and a lot of heartlessness.
Many smiles and many very tears.
Many thoughts and many very many words.
A lot of truth and a lot of lies.
A lot of ideality and a lot of unnecessary character traits.
A lot of vulgarity and a lot of charm.
There is a lot of secrecy and so much openness.
You are beautiful and sweet to infinity.
From the very hairs on the head to the limbs.
And I essentially want to go deeper.
Are you my perfect one?
Or is it just my delirium ...