Постовая Да на Ердане, Да на Ердане ши да на камушку, Да на камушку ши да стаить церква, Да стаить церква, да церква новая, Церква новая, богомольная. Богомольная, да во тэй церкве, Да во тэй церкве да престол стаить, Да престол стаить, да на престоле, Да на престоле да книга ши ляжить, Да книга ляжить, книга новая, Книга новая да богомольная. Богомольная, как во той книге Как во тэй книге сама Мати Божия, Сама Мати Божия, Богородица. Богородица Богу молитца, Богу молитца,слезна плачет Слезна плаче, вазрыдая. Возры... Postova Yes on Yerdan, Yes, on Yerdan, yes, on the pebble, Yes to the pebble shi yes to become churches, Yes to become churches, yes churkva new, Church is a new, manty. Manty, yes in Tay Churner, Yes in tey churmer yes the throne to become Yes, the throne is, yes on the throne, Yes, on the throne, yes, Shi Lie Yes, the book is lying, the book is new, The book is new yes a manty. Manty as in that book As in Tay, the book of Mother of God, Mother of God, the Virgin. The Virgin of God the Molitz God of Molitz, tears crying Temaable crying, publishing. Another ... | |