From here has just started a train
To there from a half of the brain
To make with the brain's half a chain
You're welcome to our new channel !
You're welcome to our new channel !
You're welcome to our new channel
To make with the brain's half a Chain !
To make with your brain's half a Chain !
It wants to drink coffee and tea
It has wanted to cut off the tin
And how without a head in the team ?
And how without tin in the head ?
You look like a radiohead
You sound like a videohead
Please check if I'm alive or dead yet
If dead please don't make me alive
I'm coughing don't cover my life
My neighbours will call The Police
Please don't make me dead I will please
You make me alive I will cry
Please give me some milk I will try
To see earth and sea through the eye
The only one opened between
Those two closed that now are the team
Those two closed that now are The Team
Those two closed that now are The Splean