She's called Lucy
And she has a big vagina
She's running everywhere
But her prince will never found
She's crying every night
Why all dicks are very small
Vagina very big
You can hiding in this hole.
Her pussy is so big
When she stand in front of sun
It is becoming dark
In afternoon is night
Oh, would I find sex
She's crying every night
But then she met a bull
And plan her was right.
But bull just said "MOOO"
And disappeared in this cave
And Lucy said "FUCK!"
Oh, would she find a sex?
She found in zoo a giraffe
His neck was very tall
She lured him by syrup
And he hide with bull in hole
Many legends says
Atlantis was big town
But Lucy passed by
Atlantis never found
She's called Lucy
And she has a big vagina
She's running everywhere
But her prince will never found