푸른 들 넓은 벌관에 전차 탄대 달리다가 전차 한대 달러다가 문득 서더니 웃두껑 벌격 열고 전차병 내려와서 물 한그릇 푸려는데 물 한그릇 푸려는데
박우물 맑은 샘터에 마을처녀 나오다가 마을처녀 나오다가 깜짝 놀랐네 그 모습 틀림없는 어릴 때 옛 친구라 말 못하고 그냥 섰네 말 못하고 그냥 섰네
지평선 아득한 벌판 전차 한대 달리는데 분홍 손수건 분홍 손수건 펄펄펄 오래 나붓겨 해질녘 샘터에서 인민군가 들려와라 인민군가 들려와라
In the wide field of blue fields He suddenly stood for a dollar. Open the cover and descend the chariot I'm dissolving a bowl of water I'm dissolving a bowl of water
Park Woomul comes out of the village maiden in the clear spring I was surprised when I came out of the village virgin. He must be that old friend when he was young. I couldn't speak, just stood, I couldn't speak, just stood
A field vehicle far away from the horizon is running. Pink handkerchief pink handkerchief People's Army in the spring at sunset People's Army