Плюшевые ёжики, Плюшевые мышки Засопели тихо Рядышком с сынишкой. Бай, бай, бай Бай, бай, бай.
The month croches the face Teddy Mishke, Naughty stars Winked the books. Plush bunnies, Plush squirrels Go to bed, boys, Fall asleep, girls, Plush hedgehog Teddy mouse Hugs hard Little son. Bai, Bai, Bai Bai, Bai, Bai
Balls and cubes On the carpet remained. Clowns and dolls In the houses climbed.
Silent step arrogel The evening decorate Boys and girls Good dreams wish.
Plush hedgehogs Plush mice Potted quiet Needing with a son. Bai, Bai, Bai Bai, Bai, Bai.