2 Мільйони слів звучать!.. І змінюють подобу. Проступить гіркота, як сіль на Сиваші. Роки собі ідуть. Мовчання ставить пробу. Несказані слова... Незримий скарб душі...
I know a strange thing: there is a man in the world, That preserves unspoken words. And maybe it's love, and maybe it's the only one. Or maybe just like that, the gap itself is grass.
Refrain: Unspoken words, bitterness will appear. Unspoken words, unspoken words.
2 Millions of words sound! .. And change the image. Bitterness will appear like salt on Sivash. The years go by. Silence puts the test. Unspoken words ... An invisible treasure of the soul ...